Sunday, August 5, 2007

All on the same page...

Wow. Who needs executive orders that subvert the Bill of Rights when you've got a legislature that will just go right ahead and willingly do it for you?

Over the weekend, Democrats in both the Senate and the House managed to show how truly spineless they are and gave the White House even greater authority to spy on Americans than it already had given itself in the wake of the 2001 terrorist attacks. Even less judicial review, less protections of civil liberties, and even more approval for NSA wiretapping of anyone the feds deem to have the slightest relationship to anyone who may look like, sound like or whose name might vaguely rhyme with that of a terrorism suspect.

The funny thing is, Robert Mugabe just approved a similar law to keep Zimbabwe "secure" on the same day. Apparently, Congress has been reading from the same script...